Speaker Robert Martin

Name Robert Martin (*)

Position Speaker of the House

Rank Speaker

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 72
Hometown New York, New York
Political Party Republican

Physical Appearance

Race White
Height 6'1"
Weight 185 Lbs
Build Average
Hair Color White (Formerly Brown)
Eye Color Black
Appearance Description Robert is an aging man with a bit of a gut. He stands tall and, though he is losing his strength, is always ramrod straight. Though often seen with a smile, his eyes communicate a lack of compassion and a hardness of heart.


Spouse Liz Martin
Children Jane Martin, Senior VP at Arc International
Robert Martin Jr, Philanthropist
Parents Michael and Janice Martin

Personality Traits

Personality Robert is gregarious and charismatic. When in public, Robert presents his best face. He seems warm, kind, and generous beyond measure. He always remembers a face and rarely forgets details about those he meets.

Personal Timeline

Professional Record