Senator Carlton McDonough

Name Carlton McDonough (*)

Position Majority Leader

Rank Senator

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 56
Hometown Charleston, South Carolina
Political Party Democrat
Occupational History Majority Leader of the Senate (2015-Present)
Minority Leader of the Senate (2011-2015)
Majority Leader of the Senate (2009-2011)
Minority Whip of the Senate (2005-2009)
Senator from South Carolina (1999-Present)

Physical Appearance

Race White
Height 6'0"
Appearance Description This character is protrayed by Kevin Spacey


Spouse Diane McDonough
Children Philip and Harrison McDonough

Personality Traits

Personality Charming, extraverted, and smooth, Carlton is a top Washington insider and the de facto head of the Democratic Party now that President Santos is gone and they lost the House. He is a fearsome opponent and is looking to find creative ways to get his own way or, at least, to stop the President from getting his.

Personal Timeline

Professional Record